Tag Archive for: mischief to property

R. vs. K.Q. – Richmond Provincial Court

Charge: Mischief to Property.

Issue: After Mr. Gauthier was able to facilitate making restitution on our client’s behalf, whether it was in the public interest to proceed with the criminal prosecution.

Results: Crown counsel accepted Mr. Gauthier’s representations and concluded the matter by entering a stay of proceedings. No criminal record.

R. vs. J.D. – Surrey Provincial Court

Charges: Uttering Threats (x2); Assault.

Issue: Given the position of the complainant, whether there was a substantial likelihood of conviction or a public interest in proceeding with a criminal prosecution.

Result: After considering  Mr. Mines’ representations, Crown counsel concluded the matter by sending a Caution Letter to our client. No charges were approved. No criminal record.

R. vs. B.R. – Port Coquitlam Provincial Court

Charges: Mischief to Property (x2).

Issue: Whether, given our client’s circumstances, it was appropriate to continue the criminal prosecution of this matter which involved damage in excess of $5000 to two vehicles.

Result: Mr. Johnson was able to persuade Crown counsel to allow our client into the Alternative Measures Program and to stay both criminal charges upon completion. No criminal record.